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NYPD ESU deploys MARS Elevated Tactics System to resolve standoff

- NYPD Emergency Service Unit (ESU) responded to a standoff situation in Brooklyn involving an individual armed with a high-powered rifle. Upon their arrival, the armed individual retreated from the roof of his residence and barricaded himself on the 3rd floor. ESU officers decided against sending a team into the house and potentially exposing them to harm, but instead deployed their Mobile Adjustable Ramp System (MARS) on their Lenco BEAR Armored Vehicle which was used to breach the 3rd floor windows. Using the MARS systems hydraulic controls and heavy-duty construction, ESU was able to lift and extend the individual ramps through the window frames, effectively tearing out the windows and creating a large opening.

Officers were then able to toss a negotiation device inside the 3rd floor opening and establish communications with suspect and after several hours, were able to negotiate the suspects surrender without injury.


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